Production facility inspections are a cornerstone of NSF Certification. They allow NSF to physically verify that:
A) The plant is meeting the requirements of the standard against which they are Listed
B) The plant is adhering to program policies, and
C) The plant is using only the ingredients, components, and suppliers that are authorized on their formulation and/or wetted parts list. NSF auditors will verify the following items during the annual facility audits
1. Authorized Registered Formulations (ARFs)
2. Product trade names and sizes
3. Ingredient trade names and suppliers
4. Ingredient use levels
5. Manufacturing records
6. Ingredient purchasing records
7. Product marking
8. Ensure there are no sources of contamination that could enter into the materials used in pipe production.
These audits are performed at random twice a year for NSF-61
We have partnered with TRI Environmental to verify the performance testing of our product.
946 West Main Jerome ID 83338
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